Welcome to my blog! This is my little chunk of cyber space to keep you all informed on what's going on in my life. Enjoy...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
At the vet before surgery...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Every day is Christmas at the Foster... by Amanda
To help the animals far and near.
Across the valley to the shelter she went
To care for the pets and she said what she meant.
Soon enough, they followed her home,
The fostering begins, with "Uno," all alone.
A while later, his wounds healed, so back he'd go,
To be adopted by a happy family they know.
The spare room wasn't bear, not even a day,
Because Madison and 7 kittens had their say.
The day they came to foster care, Lisa got her new name:
We called her The Cat Lady - Full of Fame.
Across the house and down the hall
All of their names, we'd hear Lisa call.
Vegas, Sydney, Niagra, Diego, Portland, Victoria, Kona .
They each developed their own persona.
They grew and ate and played around,
Down the hallway, up the pole, and on the ground.
They stayed until they each found a new home
All except Victoria, at Lisa's foster care to always roam.
The first greyhound, Disciple, was a long time dream,
But the overall lifestyle didn't fit in the current scheme.
In comes Atlanta the greyhound, so save the day,
But he jumped the fence and had to go away.
There will be a time when life settles down,
And the greyhounds can return to this side of town.
A warm and caring home they will share,
In the life of the Animal Lady's care.
Maggie the lone kitty needed some care
So some alone time she came home to share.
She healed and ate and grew even cuter
And a family she found just to suit her.
The yet Unnamed Skinny Kitties are thriving on milk
They cuddle up, warm, calm, soft as silk.
Their day will come too, the future is near
And a new home they'll have, no fear.
Madison came home just before the holiday
To share more time, this time to stay.
The family she joins is surely a lot .
Boona, Rusty, Martini, Ditto, Victoria and whoever fills the foster spot.
In a house of the foster they share
The spirit of giving, loving, and care.
Every day is a holiday, so hold them near -
And have a Merry Christmas with all you hold dear.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
I had to do it!
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Monday, December 3, 2007
Spitt'n images of each other
Good news, the kittens love the kitten milk! I tried baby food and they didn't really care for it. Tried Whiskas soft food, didn't like that much either. It wasn't until I gave them kitten milk and a different kind of soft food that they started eating. Maybe now they won't look like they're starving and will get a little meat on their bones. I've been putting them to bed with a hot water bottle so they keep warm, poor little things. Still haven't named them either...
Sunday, December 2, 2007
So much for dessert!
This was an angel food cake that went bad in a hurry. It was a nice looking cake when I took it out of the oven, then it flopped (literally) when I turned it upside down as instructed. I even had to drink a Smirnoff Ice to get the bottle, a tough job but someone had to do it!
My new foster kittens
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Tour de Tucson

Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Victoria getting acquainted...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Meet Maggie...
Meet Maggie, my new foster kitten. So far, she's been a great kitten. I was concerned she might not know how to use the litter box since she's so young, but luckily that instinct kicked in and she's doing her business where she should be.
Poor Madison had to come back to dry up and has been looking for her babies ever since. She cried all night long and paced the house in search of the kittens. I let her in the kitten room and she started to lick and clean Maggie as if she was her own. I can't keep them together though, Maggie is supposed to be isolated for 10 days in case she picked something up at the shelter.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
My new foster kitten
Kittens go back today
On another note, Ditto is fitting in nicely. He is making himself at home and hasn't had an accident in over two weeks. He is letting himself out through the dog door and enjoys spending time playing with Rusty and the stuffed animals. Rusty seems to like having some company too so that's a good thing. Martini and Boona still would rather be the only children around here but they're tolerating all the new animals and changes.